European workshop - Accompanying young researchers’ careers: best practice in Europe


The seminar is full


ABG-Intelli’agence and the British Council are organising a European workshop on best practice in accompanying young researchers’ careers. Speakers from renowned higher education and research institutes and major companies from France, Germany and the UK will present their activities in this area, highlighting the best examples of career development and skills training both during and after doctoral studies. Public and private sector employers will contribute to the debate and discuss the most pertinent forms of accompaniment for the effective recruitment of researchers.


The workshop will take place in Paris on 20 and 21 February 2012.

The workshop is aimed at practitioners involved in the employment, training and mobility of researchers:

The programme will provide many opportunities for discussion and exchange of practice, particularly in the thematic break-out sessions.

Simultaneous interpretation will be available in English, French and German.

Registration is now closed, the seminar is full.

This event is supported by the MEDEF, the Franco-German University and the BRED.


For further details, please contactprogrammes(at) or call

Sandrine Mahieu on 01 49 55 73 32

Sarah Bagshaw on 01 49 55 73 43

Sally Goodman on 01 49 55 73 70