Each year this network organizes its Annual General Meeting and international conference in one of the member countries in partnership with the national association.
In 2014, the event - EURODOC'14 "The position of Early Stage Researchers in ERA (European Research Area) & EHEA (European Higher Education Area) . How to face the challenges ahead?”, - took place on March 28 and 29 in Budapest, Hungary and was jointly organised with the association of Hungarian PhD and DLA students, DOSZ (Doktoranduszok Országos Szövetsége). After Portugal in 2013, Hungary in 2014, Romania was selected to host EURODOC'15 in Cluj-Napoca city, in March 2015.
Eurodoc also has working groups on for example, career development or mobility.
It is important to stress that not only delegates of Eurodoc’s member organizations can participate in the working groups; other members within the national organizations can join as well. Furthermore, you decide for yourself how much you want to be engaged in the working group’s activities. You can propose new projects, be a project manager, contribute to existing projects, give advice, or just share your experience.
ABG is a French non-profit organization. Our missions are :
- To facilitate the transition of PhDs (whatever their field and seniority) from academia to the private sector;
- To help companies recruit PhDs.
> Search a job ad or post a job.
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