A mobility programme of researchers between France and Argentina which aims to create and strengthen sustainable partnerships between academic institutions and research organizations of both countries. Deadline for application: June 13, 2014.
The Ministry of Higher Education and Research and the French embassy in Argentina have created a specific exchanges program between Argentina and France called "Bernardo Houssay" Program in 2009 in cooperation with the Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation of the Republic of Argentina (MINCyT) and the Argentinean National Committee for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET, research center similar to the CNRS in France).
Based on researchers' mobility, "Bernardo Houssay" program aims to foster the exchange of expertise and research's practices between Argentina and France. It finances post-doctorate researchers’ mobility (10 years maximum after a thesis) over a period from3 to12 months in the framework of common research programs. This year, it also finances the doctorate students’ mobility under the same conditions, but only from France to Argentina and in a more limited way, since this program is still mainly for post-doctorate students.
A monthly stipend is assigned to young French researchers in Argentina by the CONICET. For more information about this support, please click here.
The CONICET will allocate an annual sum of $25,000 Argentine pesos in order to cover the housing cost or the proportional amount to the period of stay in Argentina for doctoral or postdoctoral stays to be held in Buenos Aires. In the case of a traineeship in Ushuaia, an accommodation will be proposed.
The MINCYT will provide an additional contribution of $1,000 Argentine pesos per month.