JFR 2016: French Research Day in Japan

Bérénice Kimpe - International Cooperation

Sciencescope, with the support of institutional partners including the Embassy of France in Japan, the Maison Franco-Japonaise (MFJ), CNRS (the National Center for Scientific Research), the Chamber of Commerce and Industry France-Japan (CCIFJ), Alumni associations ABSCIF and ABC, as well as ABG, is organizing the French Research Day (JFR) in Japan.
JFR'16 is gathering French-speaking researchers and students in Japan from all disciplines and citizenships. This event intends to promote research discussions among researchers, students, engineers officials, company representatives or any interested personn and to present their research activities in Japan.

This one-day event will take place on Friday, December 02nd, 2016, at the Maison Franco-Japonaise (MFJ), with several research presentations, poster session, professional round-table and an invited talk.

Two types of contributions are proposed:
-Presentations (20min of talk including questions);
-Posters (A0/A1 size, portrait).

The main language of the event is French, but English presentations are possible for non-native French speakers, and written material (slides, posters, contributions, etc.) can be in English as well. However, given the nature of the event, a basic understanding of French may be easier to fully benefit from all discussions (but not mandatory).

Attendance is free and open to all, but registration is mandatory for planning purposes. Registration includes the JFR booklet, lunch and reception at MFJ.

You can already register online and submit your contribution until Monday, November 7th, 2016.

It is still possible to register as an attendee until Thursday, November 17th, 2016.

Important Dates:

-Submissions (presentations/posters): Monday, November 7th, 2016
-Notification: Thursday, November 10th, 2016
-Registration to JFR 2016: Thursday, November 17th, 2016
-JFR 2016: Friday, December 02nd, 2016

For registration and further information, please visit the JFR'16 website

For any inquiries, please feel free to contact the organizing team at sciencescopejfr@gmail.com

ABG is a French non-profit organization. Our missions are :

> Search a job ad or post a job.

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