Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf
The Luxembourg's Young Researchers Association.
LuxDoc a.s.b.l. is a non-profit association created in 2011. It is open to all PhD candidates and young researchers working in Luxembourg as well as to Luxembourgish PhD candidates and young researchers abroad.
The idea of founding LuxDoc was born out of a group of PhD students at the research unit IPSE (Identités. Politiques, Sociétés, Espaces), at the Faculty FLSHASE (Faculté des Lettres, Sciences Humaines, des Arts et des Sciences de l’Éducation) of the University of Luxembourg, who felt that without an appropriate representative body, their needs and opinions were largely ignored within University, in political discussions, as well as at international fora for research and training.
LuxDoc aims at being for its members, a social as well as a scientific exchange platform.
Its main objectives are:
- Represent and defend the interests of PhD candidates and young researchers in Luxembourg with regards to training, research and career perspectives;
- collaborate with the respective authorities to improve studying and working conditions for PhD candidates;
- develop and promote scientific culture in Luxembourg;
- provide and create information on topics of interest for PhD candidates and junior researchers;
- participate in ongoing political and scientific discussions;
- contribute to develop policies regarding higher education and research in Luxembourg;
- facilitate exchange and meetings of PhD candidates and Luxembourgish and international researchers;
- organize cultural and scientific events for PhD candidates and young researchers;
- support and assist future PhD candidates in their training;
- provide career information for young researchers.

Furthermore, LuxDoc was represented at EURODOC'14 of March 28 and 29, 2014 in Budapest, Hungary. For more information on Eurodoc, the European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers, please see our paper published in the ABG International Guide.