Hands-on guide on how to pitch for a network interview


Pitches should not be improvised on the spot. The best pitchers may lead you to believe that the speaker is improvising. But in fact, that's not the case— Pitching allows you to get back to basics, avoiding the pitfall of over-exploitation (which often stifles comprehension).

Here's a method and a few tips to help you introduce yourself - and inspire others to find out more about you!


The pitch is a crucial communication tool to introduce oneself. Potential uses include, but are not limited to:

- you are introduced to a professional who wants to find out more about you / one of your projects...


- you have just reached out to a professional with the intention of asking him a series of questions... it is up to you! Start by introducing yourself!


This is the presentation that you would make at the beginning of an interview with someone you requested to meet with. We recommend the following structure:

- who I am : your name and age, your history... This part should capture the attention of your interviewer, revealing a bit of your personality while making him/her understand how you got there;
- what I did : your experiences and relevant research results. Make choices, point out things that make you proudest, avoiding jargon;
- what I want to do: your plans (a job in a specific sector, creating a start-up...). This section is critical to ensure that your interviewer's advice meets your expectations;
- one final sentence to allow your interlocutor to speak. It shows that you have done the preparatory research before the interview, that you have perfectly targeted the person you met (professional activity, hierarchical level...) and that you have a precise goal at the end of the conversation. For instance, your pitch may end with a question on the interviewer's job.

DO's and DON'TS


ATTENTION! Also consider: 
- your nonverbal communication – gestures, facial expressions...  
- your voice – tone, intonation, good articulation...


• An overly theatrical or memorized pitch, which does not convince a professional.

• You need to ensure that your speech is authentic and sincere. A little humor is allowed, but CAUTION, keep in mind that it is not stand-up comedy or theater.



As an extension of your work on the pitch, here are some ABG resources to help you optimize your networking approach:

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