ABG Communication Kit



Your time is precious, which is why ABG provides you with tools designed to facilitate your information, or your relay efforts towards your networks.


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The infographics "Figures abour ABG" 



                                 [EN] Version - Download pdf                                    Recto-Verso [FR/EN] - Download pdf


                                 [EN] Version - Download png                                   Recto-Verso [FR/EN] - Download png          



Our brochures are available and can be downloaded in pdf format:

Presentation : ABG mission and services 


Master's, PhD Students, PhD : Boost your career with ABG


ABG, an expert in the recruitment of PhDs


L'activité Internationale de l'ABG



Graduates of master's or engineering school, doctoral students, doctors, the ABG offers you the training you need. 

Companies, research organisations, higher education institutions, we design tailor-made training courses to meet your needs.


                              Le catalogue de formations [entreprises]                                 Le catalogue de formations [candidats]


For any question, need, or request for a quote, contact our training department at +33 1 427 427 40 or at formation@abg.asso.fr

More information in the training section of our website.

DocPro Documentation

DocPro is an online skills repository that allows PhD Students ans PhDs from all disciplines to describe their skills based on a set of criteria that are essential for companies and to illustrate them with real-life experiences.
At the same time, this platform allows companies to advertise the type of profiles they are looking for, and arouse the interest of PhD holders. 


Create your DocPro account and get started !


For more information, consult or download the dedicated brochures (pdf format):

DocPro : a tool to connect PhDs with employers


How to use DocPro to market your skills