ABG will be speaking on March the 29th at the 2nd annual conference of the PRIDE network (Association for Professionals in Doctoral Education) entitled "From PhD to Postdoc - the Role of Professionals in Doctoral Education". At the upcoming conference, we will share our nearly 40-year experience in the field of training, career development and recruitment of PhD candidates and PhDs in France and Europe.
Check the program and register now!
The 2nd annual conference of the PRIDE Network
ABG's contribution and detailed Program
Practical information and registration
The PRIDE network conference is an annual event that gathers doctoral training professionals from various institutions in Europe and around the world to:
This year, the PRIDE network is organizing its second annual conference in Brussels on 28 and 29 March 2019, which will focus on support in the transition period from doctoral to post-doctoral stage.
Thanks to its experience in training and career development of PhD candidates and PhD holders, ABG will contribute to the conference on two levels:
Check out all the speakers and the detailed program of the PRIDE Network conference.
28 March 2019 >> Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium, Palace of the Academies, Rue Ducale 1 - 1000 Brussels
29 March 2019 >> Campus of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, U-residence – Boulevard General Jacques 271, 1050 Brussels
Consult the detailed registration options and register on the conference website.