Thematic webconferences for your career development


Join ABG every Friday of the confinement, from 11 am to 12.30 pm for its webconferences: times of exchanges, reflections and advices related to PhD career development.

Containment: turning constraint into opportunity


Information and registration

BONUS TRACK: beyond webconferences

Containment is well advanced and you have been home for several weeks. You're probably starting to find your feet and set a new pace in an environment that's... still, familiar!

Perhaps you have even set up some rituals using technology in your daily activities, in order to maintain links with your colleagues, managers, family, friends (who hasn't done a virtual happy hour yet?).

turning confinement into opportunity

After the emulation of these first weeks of setting up and adapting to this new situation, this is perhaps the beginning of a peaceful phase. What if this was an opportunity to take a step back from your projects, your life and take some time to think about your professional future?

Faithful to its missions and in order to guide you as well as possible in this so particular period, we propose you a time of exchanges, reflections and advice: the webconferences, every Friday of the confinement, from 11 am to 12:30 pm (except for the one on international mobility), in order to :


"I'm confined, how do I use this time to:

Come and listen to Michel Viso talk about his career path and the non-linearity of professional paths with curiosity, open-mindedness and decision-making as springs. He will also talk about relations with the world of industry and services, and how doctors need to adapt their behaviour to make a successful transition to the non-academic sector.

NEW! Additional sessions in English are now available. Check the programme and register!
Your turn:  if you have any other ideas of topics you would like us to address, please contact

Information and registration


Every Wednesday, during the period of confinement, from 11:00am to 12:30am.

Exception: the webconf on international mobility takes place on Friday, in the late afternoon.


Zoom (the link to the virtual room will sent after validation of your registration).




Attention : in order to provide you with an optimal quality of listening and exchange, we will limit the number of participants to 8 per session... The session is held in French only.

Registration online is now open:


BONUS TRACK: beyond webconferences

The webconferences launched you in a reflection, a project, an idea? And you want to go further...

The sessions are complete, over-booked? Waiting lists too?

The ABG offers you :

  1. to discover or re-discover all of its advice articles, testimonials, videos and thematic dossiers, accessible in the section "ABG perspective".
    No time to look? Find us every day on social networks for "one day = one article" or the daily highlight of an ABG feature article.
  2. if you feel the need for personalised guidance, please contact our Training Department to discuss the suitability of coaching or a career guidance session. Contact us: