[WEBINAR] 6th edition of the Franco-German Young Researchers' Day


As major players in the European research landscape, Germany and France offer numerous opportunities to (future) young researchers. The Association Bernard Gregory , the Franco-German University, the French Embassy and the Institut français in Germany are organising for the 6th consecutive year an information day for young researchers on their career development. This event will take place online on 9th of July 2020, in English.


In case the sessions are full, you still have the possibility to watch the sessions live on our YouTube channel

Watch the live sessions


Contact and registration

The event is aimed at Master students, doctoral candidates or postdocs who would like to find out about the career opportunities within the French-German environment.

Representatives for doctoral training, career centers and employees of the academic international offices of German universities and research institutions are also very welcome.



During the event, the following various thematic panel discussions will take place in English:

Although virtual, this event is ideal to develop your professional network in a French-German framework. Several speakers with various profiles will be present to share their experience and testify about their career development.

Speakers: Janique Bikomo (DAAD), Eva-Maria Hengsbach (UFA), Bérénice Kimpe (ABG)

Speakers: Dr. Stéphane Baudron (CNRS), Dr.Cyriac Massué (Federal Ministry of Economy and Energy), Pierre Passot (Airbus), Dr. Christoph Vernaleken (Airbus), Dr. Tobias Rödel (Nature)


Speakers' bio


Contact and registration

Contact France: Bérénice Kimpe – berenice.kimpe@abg.asso.fr or + 33 (0)1 42 74 45 46

Contact Germany: Marine Boutroy – info.berlin@campusfrance.org or +49 (0)30 885 902 85


Registration is compulsory and is done online, via the zoom platform. You can choose to attend one of the two sessions only or both. If you wish to attend both sessions, you will need to register twice (one registration per session).


Registration panel discussion #1


Registration panel discussion #2


Both sessions will be live streamed on our YouTube channel.