International students interested in the fields of energy and the environment : apply to EDENE, the new doctoral programme at Pau University


The EDENE doctoral programme, winner of the Horizon 2020 Marie Curie COFUND calls for projects, offers to train 30 international doctoral students in the fields of energy and the environment, and more specifically in the disciplines the University of Pau is most renowned for (science and technology and social sciences & humanities)

Consult the details of the call and apply until March 31, 2021.

The EDENE doctoral programme (European doctoral program in Energy and Environment)

Why apply ?


Application, Information and contact 

European doctoral programMe in Energy and Environment

The EDENE programme, winner of the H2020 Marie Curie COFUND call for projects, aims to finance PhD theses proposing innovative solutions for energy and the environment in Pau University’s (Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour - UPPA) top disciplines: science and technology and social science and humanities.

The programme aims to train 30 international PhD candidates at the highest level. Candidates will be offered the opportunity to be part of a very strong academic and industrial network and to benefit from quality training with a threefold approach (international, intersectoral and interdisciplinary).

Discover a non-exhaustive list of the research topics at the UPPA website (see bottom of the page, in French).

Why apply?

Within this programme, PhD candidates will sign a three-year job contract with the UPPA and will be enrolled in one of the two schools of doctoral studies. During this period, they will benefit from the expertise of all research units of the UPPA and its partners, as well as from a range of high-performance instruments.


       - the net month salary, before tax, is approximately €1555/month (subject to variations),

       - mobility allowance: scholarship holders will receive a specific grant of 1 080 euros upon arrival at the UPPA,

       - a travel allowance is provided for secondment if needed.


     - During the programme, candidates will benefit from personalised support via a Personal Career Development Plan (PCDP) and will have access to a wide variety of training and workshops,

      - In addition, secondments of 3 to 6 months are possible and encouraged among project partners. Other partners may also participate.


One of EDENE's ambitions is to give the UPPA PhD candidates important professional perspectives in line with their personal and professional projects. The UPPA offers co-supervision with a partner institution, secondment, and training in intersectoral fields.


       - assistance with administrative procedures via the institution's Welcome Desk,

       - several activities for social and cultural integration,

       - possibility to learn French as a foreign language


The EDENE programme aims to train future researchers while developing their capacity for innovation, through collaborations between research centres of excellence and public/private partnerships. But it also aims to enhance collaborations with the area’s socio-economic actors and international university actors. To this end, 7 partners have joined the programme:


To apply

  1. Check the detailed application procedure (Eligibility criteria, deadlines, application and selection process, required documents, various committees involved...) in  « Guide for Applicants» (pdf 2Mo)Please note: it is important to get acquainted with the procedure before applying.
  2. Download the application file (Zip 2,3 Mo)
  3. Fill in the form entirely, in English, and then enter the information on the application plateform  
ATTENTION : Only COMPLETE applications, in ENGLISH and submitted on the dedicated platform, before 31 March 2021, will be considered.

Pratical infromation

For more information, please take a look at the "apply" tab of the EDENE programme area on the UPPA website.


If you have any questions, please contact the EDENE administrative team:

Gilles CARBOU [Project Coordinator - PC] et Elisabeth TINSEAU [Project Manager - PM] à