The Military History Award call for application 2022


To encourage and promote research in the field of defense and military history, the French Scientific Council for Historical Research in Defense is awarding a "Military History Prize" for PhD theses, as well as for Master 2 theses. 

Apply until June 10, 2022.

To encourage and promote research in the field of defense and military history, the French Scientific Council for Historical Research in Defense is awarding a "Military History Prize" for PhD theses, as well as for Master 2 theses. The theses will be submitted to a jury for evaluation.

The prize


Application and Practical information




The prize is awarded to the winners by the Minister of the Armed Forces during an official ceremony. The sum of these prizes is :


The jury is composed of the General Secretary for Administration (SGA) of the Ministry of the Armed Forces or of the President of the Scientific Council for Historical Research in Defense. It meets once a year in a plenary session, at the initiative of its chairman. The jury includes:







The application file, to be submitted in three copies, includes:

a copy of the thesis,

- a copy of the defense report, for PhDs,

a copy of the dissertation and the transcript of marks, for M2 students.


Applications must be postmarked by Friday, June 10, 2022, and sent to:


Ministère des armées Secrétariat général pour l’administration

Direction des patrimoines, de la mémoire et des archives – Délégation des patrimoines culturels 60 boulevard du général Martial Valin

CS 21623 75509 PARIS CEDEX 15

Info : OR ( 09 88 68 65 19/09 88 68 65 29)

Digital versions must be transmitted via We transfer by June 10, 2022 (23H59)

specifying in the subject line « Prix d’histoire militaire 2022 » at the following e-mails : &

All the information is on the page dedicated to the call for applications.