PEARL is a FNR's Programme enabling Luxembourg national research institutions to draw and to recruit established and internationally recognised researchers from abroad in order to accelerate the development and strengthening of Luxembourg’s national research priorities. The deadline for pre-proposals is October 24, 2022.
Launched in 2008, the PEARL program offers Luxembourg research institutions attractive funding enabling them to attract established and internationally recognised researchers to Luxembourg.
Through the recruitment of outstanding scientists in strategically important areas, the FNR aims to accelerate the development and strengthening of Luxembourg’s national research priorities.
PEARL candidates should be leaders in the in their field with a proven track record, and able to build and sustain an innovative, creative, and effective research group;
In the 2023 call, the FNR expects to be able to fund up to 2 PEARL positions;
Proposals submitted under the PEARL programme need to align with the National Research and Innovation Strategy for Luxembourg with the National Research Priorities (NRP);
Applications have to be submitted by potential candidates in conjunction with their host institution through the FNR online Grant Management System. PEARL also allows for the submission of a proposal where the candidate is still to be recruited.
You will find all useful information (programme description, guidelines for applicants...) about PEARL on the FNR's website.