First edition of the French-Quebec PhD Skills Days, on September 21 & 22: register now!


The Centre de recherche et d'intervention sur l'éducation et la vie au travail (CRIEVAT), in collaboration with ABG, Université Laval and the 2nd Lab are co-organizing the pilot edition (on-site and held in French) of the event dedicated to the career development of PhD holders, on September 21 and 22, 2023, at Université de Laval, Quebec.

Discover the full program and register now until June 30, 2023!

Why a French-Quebec Skills Day for PhH holders?


Recruiters, make your recruitments visible!

Practical information

Why A French-Quebec Skills Day For Phd Holders?

The transition from academia to industry is a career option chosen by an increasing number of researchers worldwide. However, in addition to scientific expertise, it requires a number of knowledge and tools. Whether it's knowledge of the job market and recruitment processes, the codes and customs in force in the private sector, or how to present oneself and one's skills outside the academic sector, or simply good networking practices... This important career milestone requires a lot of preparation... and this event can help kick-start this!

This two-day workshop offers PhD candidates and young researchers:

Whether you are a PhD candidate or a post-doctoral researcher, whatever your discipline, this event is an informative crossroads on the means and opportunities to build your career plan!

Concretely, the days of September 21 and 22, 2023 will deal with the following questions, respectively:

- [21/09] Doctoral training and professional development: why you need to anticipate this;

- [22/09] The challenges of the job market and professional integration: can PhD skills make a difference?

This will happen through a series of presentations, workshops, roundtable discussions and group and individual activities, not to mention several convivial moments dedicated to exchanges and networking!


[September 21, 2023]

Doctoral training and professional development: why the need for anticipation?

 8:15 am - 9:00 am: Opening
 9:00 am - 9:30 am: Introduction
 9:30 am - 10:00 am: Presentation >> "Issues and challenges in the job market for doctoral graduates in France and Canada".
10:00 am - 10:15 am: Coffee break / Networking
10:15 am - 11:45 am: Workshop 1 >> "Breaking free from university culture and anticipating your socio-professional future".
11:45am - 12:45pm: Lunch
12:45 pm - 2:00 pm: Round-table 1 [hybrid format] >> "Valuing the PhD outside academia: how to prepare?"
 2:00 pm - 2:30 pm: Coffee break / Networking
 2:30 - 4:00 pm: Group activity >> "Theatrical animation on academic / non-academic identity".
 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm: Individual activity >> preparation for Day 2

[September 22, 2023]

The challenges of the job market and professional integration: can PhD skills make a difference?

 8.15 am - 9.00 am: Opening
 9:00 am - 9:30 am: Introduction and Presentation >> "The skills of doctorate holders: what added value for companies?"
 9:30 am - 11:45 am: Workshop 2 >> Part 1 - Developing professional skills / Part 2 - My skills in 180 seconds
11:45 am - 12:45 pm: Lunch
12:45 pm - 2:00 pm: Round-table 2 [hybrid format] >> "The doctorate: added value for the skills of the future?"
 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm: Coffee break / Networking
 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm: Workshop 3 >> "Theatrical animation on academic / non-academic identity".
 4:30 pm - 5:00 pm: Individual activity >> presentation of projects and conclusion

The event flyer... with the program!

Recruiters, make your recruitment visible!

For ABG members and non-members, we offer the possibility of promoting your upcoming recruitment drives and/or your entity throughout this day:         

- Take part in the “recruiters” round table to introduce your company, the added value of PhDs in your activities and to share tips on preparing a job application...                                                                                                    

- Showcase your company's identity and your presentation in promotional publications for the event (on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter).

Interested? Contact us !

Practical Information 

Dates and times 

September 21, 2023 from 8:15 am to 6:00 pm

September 22, 2023 from 8:15 am to 6:00 pm


Université Laval, Québec, Canada.


A $50 fee, payable online when registering, is required (for lunch and coffee on both days).


Please note that the organisers do not cover travel costs.

Event flyer [pdf format]

An event organized by :