Register for the PhDTalent Career Fair 2023 on November 23, at Centquatre [Paris].


On November 23, 2023, the PhDTalent Career Fair will be held in Paris: a recruitment forum dedicated to PhD holders, co-organized by PhDTalent and different organizations in the Paris region. Nearly 5,000 visitors, 150 companies and thousands of PhD students are expected to attend this year's event. Take a look at the program and register now!

"Europe's largest forum dedicated to recruiting PhD holders from all disciplines" 

ABG at PhDTalent Career Fair 2023, it's...

Practical information and registration

“Europe's largest forum dedicated to recruiting PhD holders from all disciplines”

The PhDTalent Career Fair in Paris brings together several thousand PhD candidates and PhD holders who are interested in pursuing their careers in the economic sector.

In an ever-changing technological world, it is essential that we surround ourselves with scientific experts. PhD holders who come from academic research have a thorough grasp of these developments.

PhDTalent offers you the opportunity to meet these talents at the PhDTalent career fair, a major event in the scientific community.

You'll find:

- recruitment booths;

- one-on-one interviews and advice;

- the “Pitch and Hire Your Doctor” contest, during which start-ups put themselves forward to attract the best PhD holders;

- round tables and conferences;

- stands and workshops where researchers and companies can discuss technology transfer and business development opportunities with startups.


– career advice

– employment and career development resources and expertise for PhD holders

–  a range of job offers

You're contemplating your career plan or seeking a position, you can have a one-on-one meeting with one of ABG's trainers to discuss your next steps.

Registration link TBC


Date & time : November 23, 9 am - 6 pm 
Address : CENTQUATRE,  5 rue Curial - 75019
Programme : The full program and list of partners and exhibitors are available on the event website


  1. Create an account on
  2. Complete your profile and upload your CV: we advise you to fill in the general information (discipline, skills...) in the 'Edit general information' tab. This is the information recruiters will see first.

  3. Register for the PhDTalent Career Fair 2023 by clicking on the 'Register' button in the event description in the 'Find an event' tab.