Are you supervising doctoral candidates and interested in consolidating the principles and practices turning your management activity into something meaningful? ABG is organising a training course in Paris on 23 and 24 April 2019 from 9 am to 5:30 pm.
"I realized I was working free-style! Now I have tools."
"It is a training that goes beyond management, it is about management in the broadest sense."
"When I was a doctoral student, my supervisor was excellent; now I know why."
As shown by these testimonies, managing people is a skill that is enriched by your own experience and the experience of others, and based on solid fundamentals. If you are interested in consolidating the principles and practices turning your management activity into something meaningful, be part of the next training session. It takes place in Paris on 23 and 24 April 2019 (9am to 5:30 pm).
The session targets all of you who are supervising or about to supervise doctoral candidates:
- Industrial supervisors of doctoral candidates doing their PhD in industry (CIFRE).
The program is designed to take advantage of this diversity.
Day 1
- The supervision of a doctoral research project and the doctoral candidate's path to autonomy
- The supervision of a doctoral research project - Building a common vision, information on official guidelines and legislation
- Onboarding a doctoral candidate and the key role of the first year - Case studies and contributions
- Supporting the doctoral candidate's autonomy - Providing concepts and methods
Day 2
- Managing a doctoral candidate
- Fundamentals of management applied to doctoral supervision - Role-playing, contribution of concepts and methods
- Role-playing (topics determined according to the needs of the participants)
- Ensuring the quality in the recruitment of a doctoral candidate - Reflection, exchange of practices, providing methods
Testimonials from participants
"I will spend more time on recruitment.
The tools you gave us are very complementary to what I was doing.”
"From now on, I will be more attentive to the weak signals from my doctoral candidates.”
"I have a lot of answers to my questions
and answers to the ones I haven’t asked myself until now.”
"It was very positive, I learned a lot! I
have another vision of situations, it helps to take some distance from them.”
"I realized that I was mentoring my doctoral candidate as a teacher would do with a student.
In fact, you have to do management"
"I feel like I get several years of experience.”
Rates for the 2-day training session
For research organisations and universities: 800 euros excluding VAT
For companies: 1,200 euros excluding VAT
The ABG is registered as a training organisation under number 11755282975 (this registration does not constitute state approval).
Information and Registration
By email to Sophie Pellegrin, PhD
Head of the Innovative Training and Support Division - 01 42 42 74 48 48 18