French-Italian call for projects Vinci 2025


The French-Italian University (UFI) has launched the new Vinci Call for Proposals 2025. It is intended to support Franco-Italian university cooperation through mobility funding for master degree's students, PhD candidates, post-doctoral fellows and professors between France and Italy. Application deadline is February 12, 2025, 12:00 pm (noon).

The French-Italian University is an institution that fosters academic and scientific cooperation between France and Italy in the field of education and research. The Vinci call for projects aims to promote the integration of the French and Italian higher education systems and to contributeto the process of harmonization of university systems in Europe.





The Vinci Call for Proposals 2025 is composed of 4 chapters:

The objective of the Vinci Programme is to promote the mobility of students, PhD candidates and professors, the exchange of methodologies, didactic experiences, the enhancement of linguistic skills, as well as the establishment of a network of scientific excellence and training between the two countries.


Applicants must underline the originality and quality of the partnership between universities. The following characteristics will also be included as qualification elements:

For more information, visit website dedicated to the Vinci 2025 Call for Projects (in Italian or French).


The final deadline for application is February 12, 2025, 12:00 pm (noon).


Université Franco Italienne

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