International academic and scientific cooperation...
Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf
Paris Region supports through a call for proposals, innovative projects initiated by local Higher Education institutions and which integrate activities abroad.
Proposed by the Regional Council of Ile-de-France, the SCIUS (Soutien aux Coopérations Internationales Universitaires et Scientifiques) scheme focuses more specifically, on the support of three kind of projects :
Institutional partnerships between Higher Education institutions of Paris Region and foreign institutions aiming to develop openness and international student mobility and to strengthen degrees and training mutual recognition.
Mutualization of information tools on outgoing or incoming mobility programs, led by some Higher Education and Research institutions in Paris Region.
Mobility of teachers and researchers, students and/or PhD students.

Given current events, partnership projects with Japanese institutions will be considered with particular attention and will be supported in priority.
Deadline for applications: at least 2 months before the event.
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