International networks of scientists in biodiversity
Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf
A call for proposals launched by the ANR alongside its partners from the Belmont Forum which aims to build scenarios of biodiversity and ecosystem services. Application deadline: Jully 2, 2014.
The Belmont Forum, a group of high-level representatives from major funding agencies across the globe, is the Council of Principals for IGFA (International Group of Funding Agencies for Global Change Research). Jointly lauched with the ANR (The French National Research Agency), the objective of 2014 call for international proposals is to stimulate the formation of international networks of scientists and the advancement of the inter- and trans-disciplinary methodologies of scenario-building needed to enhance usefulness of biodiversity scenarios in decision-making.
Proposals for one to two-year networking projects must include partners from at least three of the participating countries (Australia, Brazil, China, France, India, Norway, Japan, Africa south).
ANR's support maximum amount for the French contribution is approximately €30,000 by French partner. It is recommended to gather French teams around a Project leader.
On the ANR's website, you can download the full text of the call for proposals, as well as the annex for French participants. Projects have to be submitted on the Belmont Forum’s website until July 2, 2014.
In 2017, the Belmont Forum plans opening a second call, on the same topic, for international collaborative research projects, possibly in partnership with other funding bodies such as the European network BiodivERsA.