In the framework of the generic call for proposals 2015 on "major societal challenges and "all-knowledge challenge" and the agreement signed with the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), the French National Research Agency (ANR) supports the setting up and the implementation of scientific projects of quality jointly proposed by French and Chinese teams.
Application deadline: November 18, 2014.
The bilateral agreement with China is open to the following areas:
Water security and watershed management: (1) Water cycling in watershed and its response to global change; (2) Impacts of human activities on water security in watershed, remediation and water management
Infectious disease.
The teams of each country must designate a national scientific coordinator. The French scientific coordinator must pre-register his/her intention to submit a "PRCI project" (International collaborative research projects) on behalf of the consortium on the ANR submission websitebefore November 18th, 2014.
On the ANR's website, you will find all usefull information (Call for proposals, Annex for French-Chinese projects (available in English)...).