Cooperation between India and Europe - Recommendations for the creation of an Indo-European platform by studying the Indo-French model

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A report published in July 2014, by the Office for Science and Technology of the French Embassy in India, presenting outcomes of the project « INDIA SI House » aiming at fostering collaboration in Science and Innovation. This project is based on the French experience with the Cefipra (Indo-French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced), first bilateral structure of research funding in India.

France is very active in the Indo-European cooperation in research and innovation:
From 2012 to 2014, France coordinated through the Observatory of Science and Technology (OST), the European project INDIA SI House launched at the initiative of the Scientific Service of the French Embassy in India and bringing together nine partners from seven countries: Belgium, France, Hungary, India, Italy, Poland and Switzerland.

The objective was to study the feasibility of creating an
« EU-India Joint House for Science & Innovation »  (SI House) dedicated to facilitate and enhance science-technology-innovation (STI) collaborations between India and Europe.

After a general introduction of the project, a summary in French of the study's recommendations, the document includes the final report in English and which was validated by the European Commission.
This report outlines main findings at the end of the project, arguments for the creation of such a platform, recommendations on activities which should be engaged, its structure and implementation, as well as the next steps to go forward.

Among guiding principles for the future SI House:

Among main recommendations for its implementation :
For further information, you can download the full report from the website.