Association of graduate students and young researcher of the Institut Curie
Fabrice Martin
The ADIC will hold its annual Young Researchers and Life Science Congress on 25, 26 and 27 April 2007 in Paris.
The Association of graduate students and young researcher of the Institut Curie (ADIC)cas founded in 1997 and is financially supported by the Institut Curie. Skills development and professional integration of young researchers are among its fundamental missions and it has developed several actions to achieve its goals, especially:
- Professional integration breakfasts where PhD students and professionals can meet each others.
- An annual Young Researchers and Life Science Congress. Next dates: 25, 26 and 27 April 2007 in Paris.
- Welcome Days intended for Master level students and new PhD students. Next dates: 28 March 2007 at the Institut Curie, Paris.