Research Springboard

Fabrice Martin

French Senate’s Third Research Springboard will be held on February 12, 2008. This events goes with a call for projects of technology transfer. Deadline for application : December 7, 2007.

Organised by Christian Poncelet, President of the French Senate, Research Springboard is an opportunity to increase senators and political stakeholders’ awareness to French research issues.

This year, the event will explore how can research and industry serve ecology and sustainable development.

In order to have the opportunity to make a presentation of your project of technology transfer at the French Senate, on February 12, 2008, send back your application file to before December 7, 2007.This call is open to all scientific fields.

Research Springboard’s web site had not been updated yet when we last visited it but the programme and the online application form should be available soon at the same adress.