Recruiters in computing, engineering and consulting have a bad image of PhDs
Laurent Cousin
According to an Opiiec Study, PhDs suffer from and image problem among recruiters in the computing, engineering, study and consulting sectors.
The Organisme Paritaire Informatique, Ingénierie, Etudes, Conseil (Opiiec) has published a study conducted by CEREQ on the employment of PhDs and PhD students in this sector. It shows that recruiters have a negative image of researchers:
- 60% of recruiters state that existing positions are not tailored for researcher profiles (i.e. PhDs);
- 60% say that academic/university* training does not prepare researchers (i.e. PhDs) to work in the private sector;
- 54% say that academic researchers are primarily interested in basic research.
All in all, only 3% of the supervisory/executive positions in the computing, engineering, study and consulting sector are occupied by holders of a doctorate.
The study points out that this sector employs 18.2% of the active population working in the private sector who hold a doctorate, which is only 0.8% of hires in this sector.
To reverse the trend, the study authors recommend better informing business and especially SMEs of the specific skills PhDs possess and to help them define their needs.