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France-Argentina Call for Proposals

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The French Ministry for Foreign Affairs and International Development - MAEDI - and the Argentine Ministry for Foreign Relations and Worship - MREC - have launched a Call for decentralized cooperation projects, focused on sustainable local development, in order to promote the association of French and Argentine governments, municipalities and local councils. Application deadline: October 10, 2014.

In the framework of the fifth edition of the joint call for Franco-Argentine decentralized cooperation projects, priority themes are:
  • Cultural Projects (excluding cultural events) and historic heritage valorization (particularly in connection with the French presence in Argentina);
  • academic and scientific cooperation (research);
  • vocational training (trade schools, local government, etc.);
  • economic development (competitiveness clusters, sustainable tourism, social and solidarity economy);
  • environment (sustainable management of green spaces, adaptation to climate change, etc.);
  • territorial organization, urban development;
  • joint seminars to exchange experiences on above topics.
Projects for a maximum period of twelve months have to be presented by at least one French territorial collectivity associated with at least one local Argentine government.
Applications must be submitted online no later than October 10, 2014, on the CNCD's portal (National Commission for Decentralised Cooperation).
On the MAEDI's website you will find and/or be able to download all useful information  (only available in French and Spanish) as the call text or the application form.