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Calls for applications

Annonces de prix, bourses, concours

Shaker 2023 by Genopole

The Shaker is the answer to the needs of students, PhDs candidates and holders, as well as young engineers who have developed an innovative concept in the field of biotechnology. Apply before June 30, 2023!

The Military History Award call for application 2022

To encourage and promote research in the field of defense and military history, the French Scientific Council for Historical Research in Defense is awarding a "Military History Prize" for PhD theses, as well as for Master 2 theses. 

Apply until June 10, 2022.

Interested in the adventure of launching a Deeptech startup, with the SATT Pulsalys 2021's special startup young researchers programme

Are you a young doctor, post-doc or doctoral student at the end of your thesis?  You think that your research results have the potential to become a future product/service, meeting a need in society? You are thinking about a start-up project, and consider bringing it to market?

The Young Researchers Special Startup programme may be the springboard that will help you realise your DeepTech ambition.

Apply until 15 October 2021.

Germaine de Staël: The Franco-Swiss program to support researchers' mobility 2023

The objective is to develop scientific and technological exchanges of excellence and to encourage new co-operations between research laboratories in both countries. Active participation of early career researchers, especially PhD students and postdocs, is one of the very first criteria of selection.

Deadline for application: June 1, 2022.

Galilée : Franco-Italian mobility program

The Partenariat Hubert Curien (PHC) - GALILEE 2024 - aims to develop scientific and technological exchanges of excellence between French and South African laboratories, involving a significant participation of young researchers (PhD and post-doctoral fellows). The deadline for applications is May 19, 2023.


The Military History Award call for application 2022

To encourage and promote research in the field of defense and military history, the French Scientific Council for Historical Research in Defense is awarding a "Military History Prize" for PhD theses, as well as for Master 2 theses. 

Apply until June 10, 2022.

France-Canada Research Fund

The FCRF aims to encourage and develop Franco-Canadian scientific exchanges, to select projects of excellence, and to encourage the involvement of young researchers in the selected research teams. The FCRF is open to all fields of research. The deadline for applications is November 17, 2023.

France-Berkeley Fund 2024-2025

FBF supports scientific and scholarly exchanges and collaboration between the University of California at Berkeley and French research and higher education institutions in all disciplines.The application deadline is January 31, 2024.

Candidatez à l'appel à projets de recherche "Grande pauvreté - comment l'éviter, comment en sortir"

la Fondation Hospitalière pour la Recherche sur la Précarité et l’Exclusion sociale, soutenue par l'Agence Régionale de Santé Ile-de-France, émet un nouvel appel à projets de recherche sur la thématique générale de la grande pauvreté. Le dépôt des candidatures (note d’intention dans un premier temps) sera possible du 29 novembre 2022 au 9 janvier 2023, puis du 3 février au 6 mars 2023.

NAPATA : the French-Sudanese program to support researchers' mobility

The Partenariat Hubert Curien (PHC) - NAPATA 2023 - aims to develop scientific and technological exchanges of excellence between research institutions from the Sudan and France. Active participation and mobility of young researchers, especially PhdD candidates or postgraduate, is one of the very first criteria of selection. The deadline for applications is February 6, 2023.