Where PhDs and companies meet

Our online support tools

Doctoral candidates and PhD-holders, assess your skills and set progress goals using our the two online tools we make available to you: A doctoral candidate’s guide to the self-assessment of professional skills® and the DocPro catalogue of skills of PhD-holders.

A doctoral candidate’s guide to the self-assessment of professional skills®

The professional competencies acquired by doctoral candidates and PhD-holders equip them to work in a wide variety of sectors of activity and occupations. Being able to identify, assess and capitalize on those skills is therefore vital  for their career development. The guide to the self-assessment of professional skills for doctoral candidates® provides valuable assistance in this respect throughout the preparation of the doctoral thesis.


Logo DocProDocPro an online portal that PhD-holders can use to identify, assess and promote their competencies to employers throughout their careers. DocPro can be accessed via this website: www.mydocpro.org. where users may set up an account and create their profile free of charge.

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