The ABG perspective
Most recent articles:

Happy New Year 2025: a few words from ABG Chairman Jean-Luc BEYLAT
2025 is finally here... the ABG team wishes you all the best and success for your upcoming projects. Find out more about the ABG's perspectives for 2025 in a few words from our President, Jean-Luc BEYLAT.

Hélène GODIN, PhD in film studies, now serving as an educational engineer
Hélène Godin holds a PhD in Performing Arts and Film Studies. Following her doctorate, she recently joined the Campus for Future Computer Science and Electronics Skills of Tomorrow in Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, as an educational engineer. In this interview, discover her journey, how the doctorate has enriched it, as well as a series of advice aimed at Ph.D. candidates (especially in the humanities and social sciences).

Our Members Have Talent: interview with Marie TARDITI, Corporate Relations and Professional Integration Officer at CY University.
For over 40 years, our membership community has supported us and contributed to the highlights of our association's life. We pay tribute to them through a new series of interviews entitled: Our Members Have Talent. Discover the second interview of this series, featuring Marie TARDITI, Corporate Relations and Professional Integration Officer at CY University.

Our members have talent: interview with Vanessa PROUX, Director of Sup'Biotech
For over 40 years, our membership community has supported us and contributed to the highlights of our association's life. We pay tribute to them through a new series of interviews entitled: Our members have talent. Discover the first interview of this series, carried out with Vanessa PROUX, Director of Sup'Biotech, the engineering school specialized in biotechnology.

[Video] The skills needed in a professional environment
On the occasion of the 2019 Professional Pitch Contest #CPP19, members of the jury constituted of executives and business leaders share their experience on the question of skills. You will find in this video their views on recruitment, professional development or doctoral training.
Consultez l'intégralité des REPLAYS des webinaires Focus Métiers - Hors R&D
Depuis février 2021, le pôle Relations Entreprises, Partenariats et Recrutement de l'ABG a lancé la série des webinaires Focus Métiers Hors R&D. Chaque épisode se focalise sur une famille de métiers accessibles au docteurs (PhDs) à travers des témoignages suivi d'échanges.
Dans cet article, retrouvez les replays des épisodes 1 à 5.

ABG joins the partners of the BiotechnoSUD Forum... Interview with the organizing team!
The latest addition to the Biotechno forum family, the BiotechnoSUD forum, is launching its first event on October, 20th 2022 in Marseille. ABG, a long-standing partner of the Biotechno forums, is of course supporting this edition. Discover the objectives and specifics of this event in Marseille through these 3 questions we asked the team.

[Video] The skills needed in a professional environment
On the occasion of the 2019 Professional Pitch Contest #CPP19, members of the jury constituted of executives and business leaders share their experience on the question of skills. You will find in this video their views on recruitment, professional development or doctoral training.

Highlights on the Apérodoc "PhDs - entrepreneurs" in bio-health by ABG and LallianSe
As part of the After Doc' SHS, and of the After Doc' in Management Sciences, ABG and LallianSe organized their first Apérodoc "PhDs - entrepreneurs" in bio-health, on April 7, 2022, in Paris.
It allowed participants, PhD candidates, PhD holders and professionals to discover the careers of 4 PhD holders who have created or joined a startup, but also to exchange with them during a cocktail reception.
Discover key moments in images and podcasts (in French).

ABG and the PAUSE Program: The story of a collaboration
Since 2017, the PAUSE Program has made it possible to host and integrate in France foreign scientists who can no longer carry out their activities freely in their country of origin, where they are exposed to major risks due to the content of their research, their activism, or their belonging to a minority. Since 2019, ABG has been a partner of PAUSE and helping the laureates, who are highly qualified international PhDs and researchers, pursue their career.
In this interview, Laura Lohéac, Executive Director of the PAUSE program, and Vincent Mignotte, Executive Director of ABG, look back together at their collaboration and its future.

PhDs' voices Mathilde MAILLARD: activities and commitments during the PhD
In this third and final part of our interview with doctoral student Mathilde Maillard, we discuss the activities and commitments she has carried out alongside her doctoral experience, the benefits she has gained from it, before offering you her tips and advice.

PhDs' voices: doctoral mobility to the UK following Brexit
Mathilde Maillard takes a look back at her experience of mobility to the United Kingdom, during her third year of doctoral studies. A stay of 4 months during which she was hosted by the laboratory CASC (Centre for Advanced Structural Ceramics) of Imperial College London.

PhD's voices : Mathilde Maillard, PhD candidate in materials science and entrepreneur
This summer we interviewed Mathilde Maillard, a PhD candidate in materials science and an entrepreneur from Lyon. We discussed her background, her recent mobility experience in London, as well as her (many) commitments outside of her PhD program! In this first article, she shares with us her background and her perception of the PhD experience!

PhD testimonial: Alexandra Delvallée, from intern to research engineer at the LNE (French National Laboratory of Metrology and Testing).
Today, Alexandra Delvallée is a research engineer at the LNE (Laboratoire National de Métrologie et d'essais). She has climbed the career ladder since her Master 2 research internship. She shares with us her career path, as well as insights on research in metrology and its expectations.

Itane Lacrampe Camus, PhD in Social Geography, and entrepreneur
During the finale of the professional pitch contest 2020 we met Itane Lacrampe Camus and discoverded her background. She is a fresh PhD graduate in social geography, and also half of the entrepreneurial tandem at the helm of the NARRAU project. Read her testimony and check out her advice...

Laure ROUPIOZ: International mobility, a scientific and human adventure
Before her position at ONERA, Laure Roupioz has come a long way…
Solène Baffi and her experience of international mobility
Solène Baffi is a PhD in geography, specializing in transportation and mobility issues. She talks about her experience in South Africa and the impact international mobility has had on her career.
Solène Baffi, from a PhD in geography to the NGO Codatu
Passionate about mobility and international development, Solène Baffi, holder of a PhD in Geography, is currently working for the NGO Codatu. She shares her experience and advice.

Audrey Dominguez : Cifre PhD & Communication Officer
Audrey Dominguez holds a Cifre PhD in French literature and French language, specializing in the sciences of imaginaire. Thanks to a Cifre agreement (Industrial Agreement for Training through Research), she had the opportunity to work on her thesis and aquire her PhD while working in the company « Au temps des Fées », in Grenoble. Read more about her career path, her views on the dctorate and the assets it comes with, as well as some advice...
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Discover our members
Groupe AFNOR - Association française de normalisation
ASNR - Autorité de sûreté nucléaire et de radioprotection - Siège
Aérocentre, Pôle d'excellence régional
Institut Sup'biotech de Paris
ONERA - The French Aerospace Lab
Nokia Bell Labs France
Laboratoire National de Métrologie et d'Essais - LNE