Terms of Use
Terms of Use for www.abg.asso.fr website
These Terms of Use define the rules that Users and Webmasters agree to follow, in accordance with the rights and responsibilities and obligations of all parties concerned.
Just like human, material and financial resources, information, the production of knowledge and the sharing of experiences constitute an asset for the website's various users.
The services provided via the website and the use made thereof are governed by this Terms of Use agreement ( “the Agreement”), the provisions of which shall apply to all Users.
This Agreement is above all a good practice code that sets out the User's responsibilities as defined in accordance with current law and in order to:
- maintain the site's efficiency at its best;
- maintain the confidentiality and security of all data and communications transmitted both within and external to the website.
By User (“ the User”) we mean any person who accesses the website, whatever their status or role.
The website administrators ( “the Webmasters”) who work at ABG headquarters are subject to the same provisions as well as being tasked with implementing and enforcing this Agreement with due observance of confidentiality requirements .
The User undertakes to respect the principle of political and religious neutrality, and to exercise non-disclosure.
The website User also undertakes to provide information free of illicit, damaging, racist, discriminatory or otherwise reprehensible content. They shall refrain from any insulting, deceptive, defamatory or pornographic comments or more broadly, from any comments subject to legal provisions.
Access rights will be granted based on the needs, tasks and roles of each party. These are temporary and individual rights . It is therefore up to each party to ensure they do not use other Users’ accounts to access the website.
User access rights may be revoked in the event of any breach of this Agreement.
Users are responsible for making proper use of the services made available to them. Access to the website is solely for Users who agree, in full, to this Terms of Use Agreement.
The User agrees to refrain from deliberately carrying out operations that may adversely affect the smooth running of the website or the internal and external exchanges of the infrastructure. As such, use of the website to hinder or cause serious damage to a third party network (attacking servers, spreading a virus, spamming that blocks emails…) is prohibited.
Such behavior may be punishable by law under Article 323-1 of the French Penal Code.
1-Users who wish to consult the CV Library or post an offer undertake to:
- Use the ABG CV Library in accordance with its intended purpose, that is, to recruit staff;
- Post only a job offer, a thesis proposal or an offer for an internship for a Master of Research student;
- Post offers pertaining to a single vacancy at a time. A reference number will be assigned for the duration of publication;
- Post offers pertaining to actual professional opportunities , that is, authentic, paid positions;
- Post employment offers that match the candidates’ levels of qualifications (all PhD graduates, with possible extension to Masters and/or engineering graduates );
- Display the employer’s name in the offer except when opting for the for-fee service, “Posting an anonymous offer”;
- For Recruitment Consultants or any other recruitment body, inform ABG of the employer’s name and address (Article L 311-4 of the French Labor Code, amended by Law no. 94-665 of 4 August 1994);
- Draft offers in French or English only;
- Supply all requested information to apply for a job offer;
- Respect the specificities of the different categories of input fields;
- Acknowledge receipt of applications;
- Inform ABG of the final outcome of the recruitment process by replying to follow-up surveys;
- Refrain from posting any offer that contains discriminatory content relating to age, gender or place of residence as set out in the French law no. 2008-496 of May 27, 2008;
- Refrain from posting offers for vacancies open only to graduates of Professional PhDs (human and veterinary medicine, dentistry, pharmacology).
Generally speaking, Users are reminded that when posting a job offer they must comply with the provisions of the French Labor Code (L. 1132-1) https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/affichCodeArticle.do?idArticle=LEGIARTI000028650462&cidTexte=LEGITEXT000006072050, in particular those set out in the document published by the Civil Rights Ombudsman, “Drafting employment offers” https://www.defenseurdesdroits.fr/sites/default/files/2023-03/DDD_guide_recrutement-sans-discrimination_20190703.pdf
ABG reserves the right to withdraw any offer that does not comply with French law or the Terms of Use Agreement. The offer will not be reinstated until the changes necessary for compliance have been made, but the allotted publication time of the offer continues to elapse.
No refunds will be granted in the case of for-fee job offers.
Users are hereby informed that their advertisements may be published on Partner websites and social media.
2-Users who wish to consult offers, post their CV or register for a training program undertake to:
- Post a profile in French or English in the CV Library;
- Attach a CV in French or English to their profile;
- Provide true and genuine information (especially regarding PhD qualifications and professional experience;
- Refrain from plagiarizing other profiles found in the CV library;
- Update contact details, profiles and CVs every 5 months or withdraw them from publication. This enhances the credibility of ABG’s CV Library and maintains its appeal for recruiters;
- Reply to recruiters’ requests (even if the answer is no);
- Take part in any training programs for which they have registered and, in the event of an obstacle, respect cancellation deadlines;
- Inform ABG of any changes to their professional status by replying to follow-up surveys and assessment questionnaires.
ABG reserves the right to withdraw any profile or CV publication that infringes the provisions of this Agreement.
Users are requested to refrain from divulging their assigned password or username to any third party.
Users are requested to provide a personal email address when they open an account on the ABG website. This address will be known only to ABG and will not be divulged to third parties under any circumstances.
Users and ABG are strictly forbidden to breach non-disclosure rules of disclosure by divulging personal or confidential information about network members.
According to the french data protection act (Law of the January 6th, 1978) and the GDPR regulation coming into force on 25 of May 2018, personal data are collected within the site during registration (account opening) and using services (offers and CV publication / applying for offers / consulting CVs / registering for training program and events).
They will only be used within the strict framework of ABG missions. No personal data is transmitted or sold.
You have the right to access, modify and delete your own personal data by contacting the webmaster (abg@abg.asso.fr) or the Association Bernard Gregory, 239 rue Saint-Martin, 75003 Paris, France.
Infringing copyright, notably by making copies of, modifying or broadcasting any documents, multimedia content or artwork, without the prior consent of the author(s), is prohibited.
ABG sends out business-related information and information relating to Users’ activity on the ABG website by email. Users can unsubscribe anytime from these ABG mailshots by sending a request to : abg@abg.asso.fr or by clicking on the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of the email.
To protect everyone’s interests and ensure a secure environment and quality of service, for statistical purposes and to detect any misuse, the services available to Users are regularly monitored. This monitoring respects the User’s rights and responsibilities as well as rules of confidentiality in compliance with provisions of the Law of January 6, 1978 on Data Protection and the resolutions adopted by the National Commission for Data Protection. ABG therefore reserves the right to monitor the flow of information passing through the website (size, frequency, content…).
Failure to respect the provisions set out in this Agreement– where such failure is found to be intentional – may lead to sanctions such as exclusion from the website’s services and, in some cases, legal action.
This Agreement may be amended to keep step with ongoing IT developments. It shall take effect immediately.
Users will be informed of the existence of this Agreement when submitting user names and passwords and by information displayed on the ABG website.
This Agreement is governed by French law.
Users agree to read this Agreement and comply with its provisions.
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Aérocentre, Pôle d'excellence régional
Groupe AFNOR - Association française de normalisation
Institut Sup'biotech de Paris
ASNR - Autorité de sûreté nucléaire et de radioprotection - Siège
Nokia Bell Labs France
ONERA - The French Aerospace Lab
Laboratoire National de Métrologie et d'Essais - LNE