Where PhDs and companies meet

ABG – A training design center

Pursue a doctorate or not. Identify and promote one’s competencies. Prepare for a career move. Supervise a scientific team. Whatever your stake is, ABG accompanies you. Our solutions include workshops, coaching sessions, seminars and online tools, all developed and led by experts in PhD support services who truly meet your needs. With innovation as a pillar of our approach, we regularly develop new training content and design tailor-made training programs in response to the needs of businesses, research organizations and institutes of higher learning. Contact us

Our training catalogue

Consult our training offerings for students enrolled in a Master’s, engineering, or doctoral degree program or for PhD-holders.

In-house training sessions

Are you a business seeking to organize training sessions specially designed for your workforce?
Contact our Training Department by telephone (+33 6 30 94 31 52) or by email formation[at]abg.asso.fr.

Training calendar

Check out the dates and locations of upcoming training sessions and reserve your spot for our seminars, workshops and lectures.

Our online support tools

Doctoral candidates and PhD-holders, assess your skills and set progress goals using our the two online tools we make available to you: A doctoral candidate’s guide to the self-assessment of professional skills® and the DocPro catalogue of skills of PhD-holders.

Find out more