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Max Planck Society - MPG

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The MPG is a key support of the Franco-German cooperation in the basic research field in natural sciences, life sciences, social sciences and humanities.

The Max Planck Society is an independent, non-profit research organization that primarily promotes and supports research at its own institutes (80).

Since 2000, The MPG has set up in collaboration with the Conference of University Rectors (Hochschule-
rektorenkonferenz), an initiative specially intended for the education of foreign PhD students: The International Max Planck Research Schools (IMPRS). There are 49 schools, run for 6 years and are funded by Max Planck and faculties which are attached Research Schools.

For young researchers
, a very specific support has been initiated: the "Junior Research Groups”. The young researchers having already demonstrated their abilities in their field can acquire skills they will need to make a scientific career. The research programme lasts 5 years.
At the end of November, there were 60 groups, some of them running with CNRS in France.

Furthermore, in the section “Career opportunities” of the MPG website, http://www.mpg.de/english/, you can for example, see job opportunities from the society and its institutions or get information about the paper work necessary to enable you to stay in Germany.