French Cancer Research Association stipends for young researchers
Fabrice Martin
The French Cancer Research Association offers individual financial aid for young researchers in pre-, post- and doctoral studies. Application deadlines: March 2, 2009.The ARC offers five types of individual financial aid for young researchers. All those granted in France are financed in the form of a fixed-term employment contract.
Pre-doctoral stipends are for medical or pharmacy residents in the second year of their research master’s. The gross stipend amount of 1,663,22 € is granted for a period of 6 to 12 months, non-renewable.
Doctoral stipends are also awarded for a gross amount of 1,663,22 € per month for a maximum period of 12 months. They can be renewed up to 3 times. They can be used to finance the third or fourth year of doctoral studies (support for first year doctoral students being reserved for residents or former residents, medical doctors and pharmacy PhDs as well as veterinarians and normal school students).
Post-doctoral grants abroad are for university, medical, pharmacy and veterinary medicine PhDs who wish to work in a foreign laboratory. They are granted for a maximum of 12 months non-renewable. They are for 30,000 € per year, paid in one lump sum.
Post-doctoral stipends in France are granted for a non-renewable period of 36 months. The monthly stipend is 2,500 € (gross) (from 2,500 to 2,800 € for a second post-doc). They help to finance an initial or second post-doc in a French laboratory. They can be used especially to facilitate the return of a young researcher to France after a post-doc abroad. NB: triple mobility (different laboratory, site and topic) with respect to the PhD is mandatory.
Post-doctoral stipends for foreigners residing in France are allocated for a period of 6 to 12 months renewable once. They help finance a foreign researcher’s stay in a French laboratory. The gross monthly stipend is 2,500 € per month (from 2,500 to 2,800 € for a second post-doc).
Application deadlines: March 2, 2009.
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