CEFIPRA: A scientific cooperation program between India and France
Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf
The objective is to promote the cooperation in advanced areas of fundamental and applied research by bringing together scientists and research laboratories or institutes of the two countries and by fostering students’ and scientists’ mobility.The Indo-French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research (IFCPAR) or CEFIPRA in French (Centre Franco-Indien pour la Promotion de la Recherche Avancée) is a bilateral programme of scientific cooperation between India and France under the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of France.
Two major types of projects are supported or funded by this program:
- the collaborative research projects in any field of science and technology, including medicine, of a maximum duration of three years, and involving at least two scientists, one from India and one from France.
The integration or the training of PhD students and postdocs is a selection criterion.
Every year - April 1 and October 1 - new projects can be proposed ;
- the industrial research projects of a duration between 3 and 5 years, involving at least, an industrial partner in France or in India and a research laboratory in the other country. These researches aim to finance the development of new processes or products or the improvement of existing processes or products, thus offering the industrial partners an enhanced competitivity at the international level.
The CEFIPRA or IFCPAR will finance research and development work carried out in the research institutes involved in the project - the industrial partner must fund at least the part of the work carried out by itself -, the recruitment of doctoral and post-doctoral researchers, as well as visits or stays.
If you are interested, you can submit your project by downloading and completing the corresponding folder on the CEFIPRA/ IFCPAR’s website.
Furthermore, you have also the opportunity to propose a seminar or a workshop on a scientific or industrial theme in France or in India.
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