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Paris Pole Sud Mobility Centre

Fabrice Martin

Paris Pole Sud Mobility Centre supports the hosting of foreign researchers and their families in the South of Ile-de-France region.

Paris Pole Sud is the university pole of southern Ile-de-France region. Among other activities, it runs a Mobility Centre, member of Era-More European network, working in partnership with member institutions (Paris XI, Paris XII and Evry Universities, ENS Cachan, INSTN...) to provide their foreign guests with precious local services. Administrative issues, housing, cultural integration (French courses, cultural trips…), practical services (bank account opening, family advice, etc...), its web site will give you a first level of information on all these matters (including on how to pay your income tax).

To solve those often rather complicated problems, you can also get in touch with the pole's team. Don't forget get through the online registration process: it is still the best way to keep up to date and simply to be part of the family!