Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf
The network of Science & Technology Parks of the Northern region of Portugal.Established in 1991, PortusPark network aims to promote the Northern Region as an area of excellence and life quality relying on knowledge, technology and innovation.
By linking Universities and other educational centers, as well as research, development and innovation institutes, the main objective of this park which currently includes six parks, is the creation of skilled jobs inside companies.
On 18 April, 2008 a protocol was signed between the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD), the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB), the City Councils of Vila Real and Bragança and the association of the technology and science park of Porto (APCTP - PortusPark).
The protocol aims at the creation of two new autonomous technology parks:
- The Régia-Douro Park in Vila Real which activity will be mostly focused on the wine and vine sectors,
- The Brigantia EcoPark in Bragança which actions will be focused on renewable energies and the environment.
1 000 skilled jobs should be created within 4 to 5 years.
Works will start end of 2008, beginning of 2009.
Furthermore, since July 2008, PortusPark has a website where you can find - "Links" section- useful links to the sites of some S & T Parks and other institutions in Portugal.
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