Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)
Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf
The FCT is the Portuguese government unit responsible for financing and evaluating national scientific research and technological development.Launched in August 1997, the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), considers Science and Technology in a wide sense including exact, natural and health sciences, engineering, social sciences and humanities.
One of the FCT’s missions is the development of international partnerships between Portuguese universities and world class research institutions (Massachussets Institute of Technology, Carnegie-Mellon University at Pittsburgh, University of Texas at Austin…).
This Foundation is also member or represents Portugal in several scientific and Science Policy Networks dedicated to transnational cooperation (COST-European cooperation in Science and Technology, ERC-European Research Council, EMBO-European Molecular Biology Organization…).
If you are searching for a financial support, the FCT funds through public calls and administers, directly or indirectly, a great variety of grants including PhD and Post-doctoral fellowships.
Furthermore, with Ciência 2008 (Portuguese government initiative offering research jobs at several research institutions at the post-doctoral level), the recruitment of at least 1,000 doctoral level researchers by 2009, is scheduled.
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