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Collaborative research funding between Europe and China in the social sciences field

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The French National Research Agency (ANR) and its German, Dutch, British and Chinese counterparts, launch a call for projects in the areas of "The Green Economy" and "Understanding Population Change". Application deadline: December 3, 2013.

In order to build a European Research Area in social sciences, the ANR, the German Research Foundation (DFG), the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) and the Economic and Social Research Council in UK (ESRC) are partners within the “Bonn group”.
In this framework, these organizations have notably set up the ORA “Open Research Area for the social sciences” initiative. Since two years, the Bonn group has wished to extend its outreach outside of Europe by opening its calls for proposals to non-European countries. In 2011, a call was launched with India, in 2012 with the USA and this year with China through a partnership with the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC).

This call is open in the following areas:

The Green Economy
  • "Greenness and dynamics of economies";
  • metrics and indicators for a green economy;
  • policies, planning and institutions (including business) for a green econom;
  • green economy in cities and metropolitan areas;
  • consumer behaviour and lifestyles in a green economy.
Understanding Population Change
  • Changing life course;
  • urbanisation and migration;
  • labour markets and social security dynamics;
  • methodology, modelling and forecasting;
  • care provision;
  • comparative policy learning.
Funded projects must gather at least two European teams and two Chinese teams on one of the two topics and show a strong transnational added value between Europe and China.

Each agency will fund its own national teams: the applicants must therefore satisfy  the eligibility criteria of their national agency.

The complete documentation necessary to submit your application is available on the ANR's website (link here after)

Submission deadline: 3 December, 2013.