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Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The Swedish Agency for Innovation Systems

Vinnova is a governmental agency which has for task to fund the needs-driven research required by a competitive business and industrial sector.

Among its goals, this institution aims to:
- Support research and development in areas such as engineering, transport and communications in order to promote renewal and sustainable growth,
- Stimulate Swedish participation in European and international R&D collaboration and in the exchange of experience in the field of innovation.

To learn more about Vinnova's strategy, you can download on its website, its proposal "Research, Development, and Innovation: Strategy proposal for sustainable growth", dated April 2009.

Furthermore, the Agency is one of the organizers of the seminar on Clusters which will be held in Stockholm on 4 and 5 June 2009 (see our article  of May 21, 2009)