Our online support tools
Doctoral candidates and PhD-holders, assess your skills and set progress goals using our the two online tools we make available to you: A doctoral candidate’s guide to the self-assessment of professional skills® and the DocPro catalogue of skills of PhD-holders.
A doctoral candidate’s guide to the self-assessment of professional skills®
The professional competencies acquired by doctoral candidates and PhD-holders equip them to work in a wide variety of sectors of activity and occupations. Being able to identify, assess and capitalize on those skills is therefore vital for their career development. The guide to the self-assessment of professional skills for doctoral candidates® provides valuable assistance in this respect throughout the preparation of the doctoral thesis.
- A doctoral candidate’s guide to the self-assessment of professional skills (PDF - French)
- User information (PDF - French)
DocPro an online portal that PhD-holders can use to identify, assess and promote their competencies to employers throughout their careers. DocPro can be accessed via this website: www.mydocpro.org. where users may set up an account and create their profile free of charge.
Find out more
Training news
Learn what upcoming training sessions and training programs ABG will be running, and how to register for them.
CV library
Uploading your CV to ABG’s CV library makes you visible to French and international recruiters seeking candidates with research training, from the Master’s to the PhD level and beyond.
Country-by-Country Mobility Guide
Mobility assistance programs, research and innovation networks, information, testimonials and considerations about PhD training, the Country-by-Country Mobility Guide gives an inventory of the vital resources in each country to help you prepare for your next career move abroad.
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Discover our members
Nokia Bell Labs France
ASNR - Autorité de sûreté nucléaire et de radioprotection - Siège
ONERA - The French Aerospace Lab
Laboratoire National de Métrologie et d'Essais - LNE
Groupe AFNOR - Association française de normalisation
Aérocentre, Pôle d'excellence régional
Institut Sup'biotech de Paris