Rapprocher l'archéologie et la primatologie pour repenser notre évolution cognitive et culturelle // Bridging Archeology and Primatology to Rethink Our Cognitive and Cultural Evolution
ADUM-61139 |
Thesis topic | |
2025-02-14 |
Université de Bordeaux
PESSAC Cedex - France
Rapprocher l'archéologie et la primatologie pour repenser notre évolution cognitive et culturelle // Bridging Archeology and Primatology to Rethink Our Cognitive and Cultural Evolution
- Psychology, neurosciences
Philosophie, Préhistoire, epistémologie
Philosophy, prehistory, epistemology
Philosophy, prehistory, epistemology
Topic description
Ce projet de doctorat explore l'évolution de la cognition et de la culture humaines à travers le prisme des vestiges archéologiques, en intégrant les approches de l'archéologie, de la primatologie et des sciences cognitives. En utilisant des méthodologies issues de l'épistémologie et de la philosophie des sciences, cette recherche vise à favoriser une intégration plus profonde de l'archéologie cognitive et de l'archéologie des primates dans l'étude de l'évolution cognitive et culturelle de l'homme. L'accent est mis sur la manière dont les analyses comparatives de la culture matérielle des primates non humains peuvent affiner les interprétations et les méthodologies archéologiques, en remettant en question les paradigmes existants et en élargissant notre compréhension de la transmission culturelle et de l'innovation technologique. Ce projet dépasse les frontières disciplinaires pour aborder des questions fondamentales sur les capacités cognitives et culturelles des primates et des premiers hominines, tout en évaluant de manière critique les défis épistémologiques et méthodologiques inhérents à de telles inférences. Grâce à cette approche interdisciplinaire, la recherche cherche à faire progresser le dialogue et la collaboration entre l'archéologie, la primatologie et les sciences cognitives, contribuant ainsi à une perspective plus holistique de l'évolution de la cognition et de la culture humaines.
This PhD project explores the evolution of human cognition and culture through the lens of archaeological remains, integrating approaches from archaeology, primatology, and cognitive sciences. By employing methodologies from epistemology and the philosophy of science, this research aims to foster a deeper integration of cognitive archaeology and primate archaeology into the study of human cognitive and cultural evolution. A key focus is on how comparative analyses of non-human primate material culture can refine archaeological interpretations and methodologies, challenging existing paradigms and expanding our understanding of cultural transmission and technological innovation. This project bridges disciplinary boundaries to address fundamental questions about the cognitive and cultural capacities of primates and early hominins, while also critically assessing the epistemological and methodological challenges inherent in such inferences. Through this interdisciplinary approach, the research seeks to advance dialogue and collaboration between archaeology, primatology, and cognitive sciences, contributing to a more holistic perspective on the evolution of human cognition and culture.
Début de la thèse : 01/10/2025
This PhD project explores the evolution of human cognition and culture through the lens of archaeological remains, integrating approaches from archaeology, primatology, and cognitive sciences. By employing methodologies from epistemology and the philosophy of science, this research aims to foster a deeper integration of cognitive archaeology and primate archaeology into the study of human cognitive and cultural evolution. A key focus is on how comparative analyses of non-human primate material culture can refine archaeological interpretations and methodologies, challenging existing paradigms and expanding our understanding of cultural transmission and technological innovation. This project bridges disciplinary boundaries to address fundamental questions about the cognitive and cultural capacities of primates and early hominins, while also critically assessing the epistemological and methodological challenges inherent in such inferences. Through this interdisciplinary approach, the research seeks to advance dialogue and collaboration between archaeology, primatology, and cognitive sciences, contributing to a more holistic perspective on the evolution of human cognition and culture.
Début de la thèse : 01/10/2025
Funding category
Funding further details
Appel à projets - UB PhD Scholarships
Presentation of host institution and host laboratory
Université de Bordeaux
Institution awarding doctoral degree
Université de Bordeaux
Graduate school
304 Sciences et environnements
Candidate's profile
Le candidat doit posséder de solides compétences en épistémologie et en philosophie des sciences, et faire preuve d'une grande aisance dans l'argumentation et l'analyse conceptuelle. Une solide connaissance des débats actuels et de la littérature scientifique en archéologie est attendue, en particulier en ce qui concerne l'évolution cognitive, l'évolution culturelle, l'archéologie cognitive et l'archéologie des primates. Compte tenu de la nature hautement interdisciplinaire du projet de doctorat, le candidat doit être capable de s'engager efficacement avec des chercheurs de diverses disciplines, en favorisant le dialogue entre la philosophie, l'archéologie, la primatologie et les sciences cognitives.
Sont éligibles uniquement des candidatures internationales, à savoir :
- des candidates ou candidats ayant obtenu (ou en cours d'obtention de) leur diplôme d'accès au doctorat (Master ou équivalent) dans un établissement à l'étranger
- des candidates ou candidats actuellement dans un Graduate Program de l'université de Bordeaux, inscrits en deuxième année de Master et ayant obtenu leur diplôme d'accès au Master dans un établissement à l'étranger
Seront prises en compte uniquement les candidatures soumises sur la plateforme suivante : https://aap.u-bordeaux.fr/ et avant le 17 mars à 23h59 (GMT Paris).
Un guide de candidature ainsi que la liste des documents à soumettre sont disponibles sur la plateforme.
Pour toute question, veuillez contacter : internationalisation.doctorat@u-bordeaux.fr
The candidate is required to have strong skills in epistemology and philosophy of science, with demonstrated fluency in argumentation and conceptual analysis. A solid knowledge of current debates and scientific literature in archaeology is expected, particularly in relation to cognitive evolution, cultural evolution, cognitive archaeology, and primate archaeology. Given the highly interdisciplinary nature of the PhD project, the candidate must be able to engage effectively with scholars from diverse disciplines, fostering dialogue between philosophy, archaeology, primatology, and cognitive science. The UB PhD scholarship program is open to international candidates only, which means: - candidates holding (or currently enrolled in) a national level master's degree or another degree conferring master's status from a foreign institution - candidates currently in a Graduate Program, enrolled in second year of Master at the University of Bordeaux, and holding a degree from a foreign institution We will only consider applications submitted on the following platform: https://aap.u-bordeaux.fr/ and prior March 17, at 11:59pm (GMT Paris). A guide on how to apply as well as the list of documents to submit are available on the platform. For any question, please contact: internationalisation.doctorat@u-bordeaux.fr
The candidate is required to have strong skills in epistemology and philosophy of science, with demonstrated fluency in argumentation and conceptual analysis. A solid knowledge of current debates and scientific literature in archaeology is expected, particularly in relation to cognitive evolution, cultural evolution, cognitive archaeology, and primate archaeology. Given the highly interdisciplinary nature of the PhD project, the candidate must be able to engage effectively with scholars from diverse disciplines, fostering dialogue between philosophy, archaeology, primatology, and cognitive science. The UB PhD scholarship program is open to international candidates only, which means: - candidates holding (or currently enrolled in) a national level master's degree or another degree conferring master's status from a foreign institution - candidates currently in a Graduate Program, enrolled in second year of Master at the University of Bordeaux, and holding a degree from a foreign institution We will only consider applications submitted on the following platform: https://aap.u-bordeaux.fr/ and prior March 17, at 11:59pm (GMT Paris). A guide on how to apply as well as the list of documents to submit are available on the platform. For any question, please contact: internationalisation.doctorat@u-bordeaux.fr
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