Décrypter les effets des interactions biotiques et abiotiques sur la vulnérabilité des pins // Deciphering the effects of biotic and abiotic interactions on the vulnerability of pine trees
ADUM-61289 |
Thesis topic | |
2025-02-14 |
Université de Bordeaux
CESTAS Cedex - France
Décrypter les effets des interactions biotiques et abiotiques sur la vulnérabilité des pins // Deciphering the effects of biotic and abiotic interactions on the vulnerability of pine trees
- Ecology, environment
Évolution, Résistance des arbres
Evolution, Tree resistance
Evolution, Tree resistance
Topic description
La mortalité des plantes résulte de multiples facteurs interactifs qui font basculer la résilience et la vulnérabilité des agrosystèmes. Parmi ces facteurs, les interactions biotiques et abiotiques peuvent influencer l'adaptation des agents pathogènes, la sévérité des maladies et la mortalité des hôtes. Ce projet étudie les interactions complexes entre les facteurs biotiques et abiotiques qui rendent les pins vulnérables, en se concentrant sur deux espèces de pins (Pinus pinaster et P. sylvestris) et trois agents pathogènes majeurs : le nématode invasif du pin (Bursaphelenchus xylophilus), le nématode indigène (B. mucronatus) et l'agent pathogène fongique Diplodia sapinea. Le projet poursuit trois objectifs. Tout d'abord, il vise à explorer la diversité génétique et les trajectoires évolutives conjointes de ces agents pathogènes grâce à un échantillonnage spatio-temporel imbriqué. Ensuite, il cherche à étudier la compétition et la facilitation entre ces espèces à travers des expériences de croissance in vitro. Enfin, il évaluera comment des facteurs environnementaux, tels que la température et le stress hydrique, combinés à des infections multi-pathogènes, influencent la croissance des pins et la sévérité des maladies grâce à des expériences de co-inoculations in vivo. Cette recherche multi-risques apportera un éclairage sur la dynamique des agents pathogènes, les compromis influençant la résilience des pins et les stratégies de gestion des écosystèmes forestiers. En comprenant les effets combinés des stress biotiques et abiotiques, le projet vise à orienter de meilleures pratiques de gestion forestière et d'atténuation des maladies.
Plant mortality results from multiple interacting factors that shift agrosystems from resilience to vulnerability. Among these factors, biotic and abiotic interactions can drive pathogens adaptation, disease severity and host mortality. This project investigates the complex interactions between biotic and abiotic factors driving pine tree vulnerability, focusing on two pine species (Pinus pinaster and P. sylvestris) and three major pine disease agents: the invasive Pine Wood Nematode (Bursaphelenchus xylophilus), the native nematode (B. mucronatus), and the fungal pathogen Diplodia sapinea. The project has three objectives. First, it aims to explore the genetic diversity and joint evolutionary
trajectories of these pathogens from a nested spatiotemporal sampling. Second, it seeks to study the competition and facilitation among these species from in vitro growth experiments. Third, it will assess how environmental factors, such as temperature and water stress, combined with multi-pathogen infections, influence pine growth and disease severity, from in vivo co-inoculations experiments. This multi-risk research will provide insights into pathogen dynamics, the trade-offs influencing pine
resilience, and strategies for managing forest ecosystems. By understanding the combined effects of biotic and abiotic stressors, the project aims to guide better forest management and disease mitigation practices.
Début de la thèse : 01/11/2025
Plant mortality results from multiple interacting factors that shift agrosystems from resilience to vulnerability. Among these factors, biotic and abiotic interactions can drive pathogens adaptation, disease severity and host mortality. This project investigates the complex interactions between biotic and abiotic factors driving pine tree vulnerability, focusing on two pine species (Pinus pinaster and P. sylvestris) and three major pine disease agents: the invasive Pine Wood Nematode (Bursaphelenchus xylophilus), the native nematode (B. mucronatus), and the fungal pathogen Diplodia sapinea. The project has three objectives. First, it aims to explore the genetic diversity and joint evolutionary
trajectories of these pathogens from a nested spatiotemporal sampling. Second, it seeks to study the competition and facilitation among these species from in vitro growth experiments. Third, it will assess how environmental factors, such as temperature and water stress, combined with multi-pathogen infections, influence pine growth and disease severity, from in vivo co-inoculations experiments. This multi-risk research will provide insights into pathogen dynamics, the trade-offs influencing pine
resilience, and strategies for managing forest ecosystems. By understanding the combined effects of biotic and abiotic stressors, the project aims to guide better forest management and disease mitigation practices.
Début de la thèse : 01/11/2025
Funding category
Funding further details
Appel à projets - UB PhD Scholarships
Presentation of host institution and host laboratory
Université de Bordeaux
Institution awarding doctoral degree
Université de Bordeaux
Graduate school
304 Sciences et environnements
Candidate's profile
Nous recherchons un(e) candidat(e) très motivé(e) pour ce poste. Le/la candidat(e) idéal(e) devrait posséder les compétences et qualifications suivantes :
· Une solide formation en écologie, évolution et génétique des populations.
· Une connaissance de base ou un vif intérêt pour l'agronomie, la foresterie, la nématologie ou la pathologie végétale est apprécié mais non requis au début du doctorat. Le/la candidat(e) aura l'opportunité de développer cette expertise grâce à une formation au cours de la thèse.
· Une expérience en analyse statistique (par exemple, modèles linéaires sous R ou Python).
· Une maîtrise de l'anglais, à l'écrit comme à l'oral.
· Des qualités particulièrement appréciées incluent l'autonomie, le travail en équipe, la rigueur, de solides compétences interpersonnelles et d'excellentes capacités rédactionnelles.
Sont éligibles uniquement des candidatures internationales, à savoir :
- des candidates ou candidats ayant obtenu (ou en cours d'obtention de) leur diplôme d'accès au doctorat (Master ou équivalent) dans un établissement à l'étranger
- des candidates ou candidats actuellement dans un Graduate Program de l'université de Bordeaux, inscrits en deuxième année de Master et ayant obtenu leur diplôme d'accès au Master dans un établissement à l'étranger
Seront prises en compte uniquement les candidatures soumises sur la plateforme suivante : https://aap.u-bordeaux.fr/ et avant le 17 mars à 23h59 (GMT Paris).
Un guide de candidature ainsi que la liste des documents à soumettre sont disponibles sur la plateforme.
Pour toute question, veuillez contacter : internationalisation.doctorat@u-bordeaux.fr
We are looking for a highly motivated candidate for this position. The ideal candidate should have the following skills and qualifications: · A strong background in ecology, evolution, and population genetics. · Basic knowledge or a keen interest in agronomy, forestry, nematology, or plant pathology is appreciated but not required at the start of the PhD. The candidate will have the opportunity to develop this expertise through training during the course of the thesis. · Experience in statistical analysis (e.g., linear models in R or Python). · Proficiency in English, both written and spoken. · Highly valued qualities include autonomy, teamwork, rigor, strong interpersonal skills, and excellent writing abilities. The UB PhD scholarship program is open to international candidates only, which means: - candidates holding (or currently enrolled in) a national level master's degree or another degree conferring master's status from a foreign institution - candidates currently in a Graduate Program, enrolled in second year of Master at the University of Bordeaux, and holding a degree from a foreign institution We will only consider applications submitted on the following platform: https://aap.u-bordeaux.fr/ and prior March 17, at 11:59pm (GMT Paris). A guide on how to apply as well as the list of documents to submit are available on the platform. For any question, please contact: internationalisation.doctorat@u-bordeaux.fr
We are looking for a highly motivated candidate for this position. The ideal candidate should have the following skills and qualifications: · A strong background in ecology, evolution, and population genetics. · Basic knowledge or a keen interest in agronomy, forestry, nematology, or plant pathology is appreciated but not required at the start of the PhD. The candidate will have the opportunity to develop this expertise through training during the course of the thesis. · Experience in statistical analysis (e.g., linear models in R or Python). · Proficiency in English, both written and spoken. · Highly valued qualities include autonomy, teamwork, rigor, strong interpersonal skills, and excellent writing abilities. The UB PhD scholarship program is open to international candidates only, which means: - candidates holding (or currently enrolled in) a national level master's degree or another degree conferring master's status from a foreign institution - candidates currently in a Graduate Program, enrolled in second year of Master at the University of Bordeaux, and holding a degree from a foreign institution We will only consider applications submitted on the following platform: https://aap.u-bordeaux.fr/ and prior March 17, at 11:59pm (GMT Paris). A guide on how to apply as well as the list of documents to submit are available on the platform. For any question, please contact: internationalisation.doctorat@u-bordeaux.fr
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