Fully-funded PhD positions for self-developed research idea
The Hector Fellow Academy promotes outstanding young scientists from all over the world with fully-funded PhD positions. Master graduates can apply until April 30, 2018 with an innovative, self-developed scientific issue in the research field of one of the Hector Fellows.
“Research in Germany” portal
Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf
A platform of information whose key objective is to provide an overview of the research landscape and funding opportunities in Germany. 25/09/08
Fabian Heuel & C. Schoch
Tower over others? Easy for giraffes and also for the members of GIRAF, an association of PhD candidates and young PhDs in the human and social sciences that formed their network in 2002 known as Groupe Interdisciplinaire de Recherche Allemagne France (Interdisciplinary Group of Research in Germany and France). 25/09/08
Fabian Heuel & C. Schoch
Meeting the challenges of the future – that is the mission of Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZ Jülich), one of the largest centers for basic and applied research in Germany, located near Aachen. 06/01/08
The German Research Foundation - DFG
Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf
The DFG is the central, public funding organisation that promotes research at universities as well as non-university research institutions or scientific associations in Germany.
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ONERA - The French Aerospace Lab
Laboratoire National de Métrologie et d'Essais - LNE
ASNR - Autorité de sûreté nucléaire et de radioprotection - Siège
Groupe AFNOR - Association française de normalisation
Institut Sup'biotech de Paris
Nokia Bell Labs France
Aérocentre, Pôle d'excellence régional
JobCivil servantRef. ABG128668ÉCOLE DE L'AIR ET DE L'ESPACE- Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur - France
Enseignant-chercheur en relations internationales - études de sécurité
Law, political science, geopoliticsConfirmed -
JobFixed-termRef. ABG129517CIRAD- Occitanie - France
Expert.e en charge de la mobilisation des compétences d’Agrinatura et de la rédaction de notes de synthèse sur les systèmes alimentaires pour l’Union Européenne
Agronomy, agri foodJunior -
JobPermanentRef. ABG128876ESA - Ecole Supérieure d'Agricultures à Angers (49)Angers - Pays de la Loire - France
Enseignant-e Chercheur-e en Agroécologie H/F
Agronomy, agri food - Ecology, environmentAny