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Being a project manager at the National Geographical Institute of Bruxelles

Interview by Bérénice Kimpe (Head of International Department)

We met Dr Katharine Maussen when she was still doing her PhD at ULB, during a summer school in 2017. Just before being graduated with her PhD, she was recruited by the National Geographical Institute in Bruxelles. Let's have a look at her story!


Being a project manager at the National Geographical Institute of Bruxelles

We met Dr Katharine Maussen when she was still doing her PhD at ULB, during a summer school in 2017. Just before being graduated with her PhD, she was recruited by the National Geographical Institute in Bruxelles. Let's have a look at her story!


On Planet Mars

Evelyne Jardin, translation by Cynthia Schoch

Sophie Kergoat, PhD in cognitive psychology from the University of Paris 5, took part in the "new chapter in the Thesis". She is now head of the cognitive sciences department for Mars Inc. in Belgium.