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South Africa - France Innovation Portal (SAFIP)

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

(Pour consulter cet article en français, cliquez ici)

The aim is to connect French and South African scientists, entrepreneurs and innovators in order to co-develop a product, service, technology, in a mutual economic interest logic.

SAFIP is a collaborative innovation portal created and launched this year by the French Embassy in Pretoria in partnership with SARIMA, the association of the professionals in Research and Innovation Management, NIPMO (see also NIPMO LinkedIn group, the national patent office of South Africa and the Innovation Hub of the Gauteng province.

South Africa and France share the same desire to support innovative projects in a commercialization process. Whether from the perspective of a large scale transposition, improvement, adaptation, industrialization or test, presented technologies and projects have the feature of requiring additional development by relying on the expertise available in both countries.

This website will be updated on a regular basis based on what is identified or communicated. It is not intended to be a comprehensive mapping of all the initiatives related to innovation. You will find useful links and further information in this field on the "Existing plateforms" page.

To stay logged in, you can join the SAFIP LinkedIn group, also initiated by The French Embassy in South Africa.