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Scientific Mobility between Australia and France

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A travel grant offered by the Embassy of France in Australia and intended for early career researchers of all nationalities. New Call for applications: mid-December 2014 for travel in 2015.

Replacing since 2013 the former Cotutelle Travel Grant scheme, the scientific mobility program aims to facilitate and develop French-Australian research collaborations.

Calls for applications are issued on an annual basis. For information, within the framework of the 2014 Call, applicants had to meet the following criteria:

They had to be currently:
  • Undertaking a PhD in Australia or in France, OR
  • Undertaking a postdoc in Australia or in France, OR
  • Working as a research assistant in an university or research institution in Australia or in France (PhD conferred after 31 December 2008).

Relevant bilateral research: Applicants had also to be conducting or developing research in collaboration (of medium or long-term) between Australia and France.The topic of climate change was a priority and projects in the area of environment, energy, and health were also of particular interest.

Funding only covered expenses for a round trip of young researchers between both countries (support for living expenses was not included).

A new Call for applications will be launched in mid-December, 2014, for a mobility in 2015 and a departure from mid-March.