ABG’s international activities
Because our partners operate in an international environment, ABG adapts to their context when addressing their needs for support and recruitment of PhD-holders. In recent years, ABG has been defining and deploying an internationalization strategy centered on our three fields of expertise (support, recruitment, and communication/information) with a focus on mobility (expatriation and return) opportunities.
From Franco-German partnership to European scope
Like Europe itself, which was built primarily on Franco-German foundations, ABG is using its experience of Franco-German partnership as a springboard to the rest of Europe.
The agreement signed with the Franco-German University (FGU) in March 2008 paved the way for the first cross-border initiatives:
- Doctoriales,
- CV&Co,
- Cocktails for Doctors,
- Cross-border Postdoctoriales,
- Development Center
- Franco-German conference for early-stage researchers.
The pursuit of these initiatives and the similar issues encountered across the European research area (such as the limited number of permanent contracts in academia, the need for career development support for PhD-holders and the desire to attract international talents) have made it more important than ever for European bodies to work with ABG . Accordingly, we have expanded our scope to include Germany, Belgium, Spain, Italy and Luxembourg.
Services for an international and internationally-mobile population
An English-language service offering is a prerequisite: training programs, website, newsletter, and a social media presence.
However, it is not enough merely to translate information that is relevant only to a French audience. ABG adapts its content taking cultural differences into account and selecting items liable to be of interest to the international research community.
Mobility is a frequent issue among PhD-holders, with questions arising about aspects such as:
- post-doctoral mobility,
- return mobility,
- the case of dual-career couples (including the status of “trailing spouses”),
- mobility funding.
ABG can help PhD-holders analyze their options and define a mobility project that matches their professional and personal aspirations. We have also developed a Country-by-Country Mobility Guide where they can find information on available financing along with testimonials of PhD-holders who recount their mobility experience.
ABG also taps its European and international networks to facilitate and help navigate the administrative formalities involved – for PhD-holders and employers alike – when the mobility destination is outside the Schengen area.
Services with international appeal for organizations (universities, research institutes, mobility organizations, companies)
The ABG recruitment website is the portal for organizations seeking to promote their entity and the international opportunities they offer. Job ads posted to the site can be further promoted via ABG’s various international networks (embassies, associations of researchers, social media, and representatives at universities and international research institutes, etc.). The European events that ABG organizes and/or in which we participate offer further opportunities for specific communication about job openings.
ABG regularly invites representatives of companies, research institutes and mobility organizations to speak at our European events and cross-border training programs, or take part in interviews disseminated to an international audience. By maximizing direct contact with potential candidates and partners in academia, ABG gives these organizations additional communication and networking opportunities.
Finally, organizations that adhere to Europe’s excellence-oriented “Human Resources Strategy for Researchers” (HRS4R) can take advantage of ABG’s services for some items of the charter: supervision of doctoral candidates, career development, recruitment and career advice.
ABG, a partner for European projects
Whether as a coordinator or a partner, ABG is increasingly taking part in a variety of European projects in the areas of doctoral training, career development and researcher mobility. These include H2020-SWAFS, Erasmus, COFUND, and Interreg. We also serve as an additional channel for recruiting PhD-holders for European programs such as H2020 SME Innovation Associate designed to benefit businesses.
ABG’s involvement in European programs can be an asset for project sponsors : in fact, the European Commission designated ABG as a “Euraxess Career Development Center.” The EC gives priority to synergies with the Euraxess network.
Find out more
Country-by-Country Mobility Guide
Mobility assistance programs, research and innovation networks, information, testimonials and considerations about PhD training, the Country-by-Country Mobility Guide gives an inventory of the vital resources in each country to help you prepare for your next career move abroad.
Researchers without borders
Our event, supported by the European Commission, is aimed at guiding early-stage researchers in the implementation of their mobility project, and promoting professional opportunities in the European Research Area. Venue: Paris, December 11 and 12, 2017
Franco-German cooperation ABG-FGU
The cooperation between Association Bernard Gregory (ABG) and the Franco-German University (FGU) aims to help and support French and German PhD candidates and PhD holders before and after they start their working life, and also during their careers.
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Discover our members
Laboratoire National de Métrologie et d'Essais - LNE
Aérocentre, Pôle d'excellence régional
ASNR - Autorité de sûreté nucléaire et de radioprotection - Siège
Nokia Bell Labs France
ONERA - The French Aerospace Lab
Groupe AFNOR - Association française de normalisation
Institut Sup'biotech de Paris
JobPermanentRef. ABG129017SupBiotech- Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes - France
Enseignant Chercheur en Bioinformatique
Computer scienceConfirmed -
JobPermanentRef. ABG128876ESA - Ecole Supérieure d'Agricultures à Angers (49)Angers - Pays de la Loire - France
Enseignant-e Chercheur-e en Agroécologie H/F
Agronomy, agri food - Ecology, environmentAny