F. Heuel & C. Schoch
Much more than a European career fair, the Franco-German Forum trilingual website (German/English/French) offers an online job and placement service and a CV bank.Very useful for those who want to apply for jobs and work on either side of the Rhine. The "kiosque" section gives access to information on application files, cover letters and interviews, as well as administrative procedures, social coverage and taxation in Germany and France.
Furthermore, under the "exhibitors" heading is the current list of companies already registered for the 10th edition of the Franco-German Forum that will be held on November 14 and 15, 2008 in Strasbourg. Thalès, Veolia Environment and KIT (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie) are already signed up.
The 2008 edition will offer speed-recruiting. How does it work? Seven minutes and counting to convince a recruiter that you are the colleague they are looking for. Speed-dating fans, this system is designed for you!
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