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Key data on higher education in Europe ? 2007 Edition

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The first edition of Key Data on Higher Education in Europe is the outcome of cooperation between the Eurydice European Unit and Eurydice Network (The Information Network on Education in Europe), and Eurostat (The Stastical Office of the European Communities.

This publication uses comparable quantitative and qualitative indicators which offer an evaluative insight into the policies which aim to ensure that as many people as possible can access higher education of excellent quality.
It also reports on international student mobility, which is at the heart of the European higher education area, and on the national policies intended to encourage it.
Differences in participation and graduation rates by gendre and field of study are another noteworthy aspect highlighted in the report.
Finally, special attention is also devoted to doctoral study programmes, since these train highly qualified researchers and are thus essential to the establishment of the European research area.

Some examples of questions which the report tries to answer:

How does one gain access to the various courses of study in higher education?
What proportions of students are enrolled in the public and private sectors?
What is the situation regarding doctoral students?
What are the levels of public and private investment in higher education?
What contributions are students asked to pay and what types of support do they receive?
What percentage of students study abroad and how far is this kind of mobility facilitated?