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PHELINET network

Fabrice Martin

This European Research and Training Network is proposing 11 PhD studentships, 8 postdoc grants and is looking for its own assistant coordinator.

PHELINET is an European "Research and Training Network" starting on 1 March 2007 and which the European Commission will support for four years. It includes 17 members, academic research centres, industrial corporations and SMB's putting their efforts together in order to develop and disseminate the use of magnetic resonance imaging using hyperpolarized helium-3 gas.

PHELINET receives European fundings which allow it to recruit researchers with 11 PhD studentships of ESR type (Early Stage Researchers) and 8 postdoctoral grants of ER type (Experienced Researchers). Locations are scattered throughout Europe (Lyon, Mainz, Madrid, Sheffield, Copenhagen, Heidelberg, Cracow, Bratislava…).