Report on PhD Students in the Irish Universities
Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf
A paper published in August 2009 by the Irish Universities Association - IUA"Report on PhD Students in the Irish Universities" is part of a series of studies drafted by the Irish Universities Study (IUS) which is funded by the Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF).
This report is based on the first module of the IUS survey which was collected between February and June 2008.
Beyond demographic datas, it focuses particularly on PhD students’ quality and project of life, their socioeconomic status and financial situation as well as on their earning expectations.
Over 3,700 students responded to the first round of the survey.
Among the key findings, some about the PhD students from outside Ireland (30 per cent of the PhD students), seem particularly interesting:
- They are slightly older than Irish PhD students (27.9 years compared to 26.5 years),
- They are twice as likely to be married (17.9 per cent versus 8.5 for Irish people)
- Scholarships account for 61 per cent of their income (62 per cent for Irish students).
If you want more information, do not hesitate to download the report in pdf format
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